🍷Brands & Logos

Guidelines and downloadable assets like the MojitoSwap logo SVG


You can download the MojitoSwap logo at the bottom of this page. The following MojitoSwap ‘Brand Assets’ are copyrighted materials, and you may only use them in accordance with the policy detailed below:

  • The logos, wordmark, and icon of MojitoSwap

  • The name of MojitoSwap

  • Other visual assets produced by MojitoSwap, including but not limited to illustrations and 3d models

Before you use the ‘Brand Assets’, please make sure you read these guidelines first.

What you may do

You may use MojitoSwap’s Brand Assets when you are:

✅ Referring to our products and services

✅ Linking to our official site or products, such as "Get MJT on MojitoSwap"

✅ Announcing an official partnership, but only if you have the official approval of a qualified member of the MojitoSwap team

For information on other uses of our Brand Assets, please reach out at business@mojitoswap.finance

What you may not do

It is very important to make our users' assets secure by protecting the MojitoSwap brand. Here are some forbidden items:

❌ Don't use our Brand Assets in your products' name, logo, NFTs, etc.

❌ Don't use our Brand Assets to create digital or physical products to make income

❌ Don't create derivative names that imply official endorsement

❌ Don't change or adapt our Brand Assets in any way

MojitoSwap Logo Downloads

Once you've read all the above, download the MojitoSwap logo below.

Last updated